Brian C. Dean

Me Professor and C. Tycho Howle Director
School of Computing, Clemson University
Program Coordinator, Biomedical Data Science and Informatics graduate programs

Office: McAdams Hall, Room 100D
Phone: 864-656-5866
Mail: Brian C. Dean, School of Computing, Box 340974, Clemson SC 29634-0974

Bio: I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science from MIT. My research interests are quite broad, encompassing most of algorithmic computer science and its applications, with recent emphasis on algorithmic applications in biomedical data science. I am also interested in computer science education, particularly at the high-school level. I currently direct the Applied Algorithms Group in the School of Computing at Clemson. My research was previously supported by an NSF CAREER award.

Teaching: In Spring 2023, I am teaching CpSc 8400, a graduate course in algorithm design and analysis. I also organize a course on programming and problem solving (CpSc 4890/6890) geared particularly for students interested in participating in the ACM programming contest.

Advising: If you have taken one of my courses and done well, please feel free to contact me about research opportunities.

Computing Contests: I'm the director of the USACO, a program that contributes to computer science education at the high-school level via algorithmic programming competitions and on-line training materials. The USACO is one of several national scientific organizations that train students at the high-school level for participation in prestigious international "Olympiads" in their respective disciplines. Each summer the USACO invites the top two dozen high-school students in the country to an intensive summer "training camp" at Clemson University, from which a team of 4 is selected to represent the USA at the International Olympiad in Informatics, the most prestigious international algorithmic programming contest at the high-school level.

LectureScribe: In order to develop more effective multimedia content for my courses and an upcoming book, I'd written a program called LectureScribe nearly 15 years ago for recording animated "whiteboard lectures" on a tablet PC. The program has since been updated to run in a web setting; you can find it here.

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