Brygg Ullmer @ Clemson
Brygg Ullmer is Chair of the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Division and Professor within the School of Computing at Clemson University, where he also leads the Tangible Visualization group. Ullmer completed his Ph.D. at the MIT Media Laboratory (Tangible Media group) in 2002, where his research focused on tangible user interfaces. He served as an Associate Professor at Louisiana State University, jointly within the CCT and Computer Science. Prior to that, he held a postdoctoral position in the visualization department of the Zuse Institute Berlin, internships at Interval Research (Palo Alto) and Sony CSL (Tokyo), and has been a visiting lecturer at Hong Kong Polytechnic's School of Design. His research interests include tangible interfaces, computational genomics (and more broadly, interactive computational STEAM), visualization, and rapid physical and electronic prototyping. He also has a strong interest in computationally-mediated art, craft, and design, rooted in the traditions and material expressions of specific regions and cultures.

His previous homepages (with more content) are at LSU, ZIB, and the MIT Media Lab, and a partially created alternate homepage.

CV; publications via Google Scholar.

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