Christopher Plaue
Christopher Plaue
I’m a principal lecturer and the undergraduate coordinator for the School of Computing at Clemson University. Previously, I served as a lecturer and undergraduate coordinator for the Computer Science Department at the University of Georgia, located in Athens, GA. I received my Ph.D. from Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing and my Bachelor’s from Bucknell University located in Lewisburg, PA. My advisor at Georgia Tech was John Stasko.
My primary courses of instruction include introductory computer science courses, human-computer interaction, computing & ethics, and computing concept courses. For Fall 2024, I will be teaching CPSC 1070 (Programming Methodology).
Although my position is primarily teaching and advising students, my research interests include human-computer interaction, information management and visualization, and computer science education. Please visit my CV page to see recent publications and professional activities.
cplaue at
100F McAdams Hall