School of Computing Honors Program:
Honors Thesis Information and Guidance
Dr. Jim Martin (SoC Honors Advisor)
School of Computing
Clemson University
phone: 864 656 4529
For a faculty mentor:
- All aspects of the Honors Thesis are up to you. You and the student negotiate all details from the direction, to the scope of work, to the format of the thesis. At this point in time, the Honors College does not have a common format. My guidance would be to have the format make sense for the actual work. If the student develops a research paper, you can use a standard conference template. If the student develops a piece of software (a widget), the thesis could potentially be a paper that presents the design and analysis of the widget.
- Before the end of the student's graduating semester, make sure the student sends a PDF of the final thesis to me and to the Honors College.
For an Honors student:
- Make sure that you select a direction and topic that is of high interest to you and that will challenge you.
- Here are several example theses.
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last updated 10/14/2015