Computer Graphics Images
Computer Graphics Images Documentation

Fall 2024

When: TTh 3:30-4:45
I've been waiting for this!
Where: McAdams 114, Zoom, Zucker 302
Instructor: Jerry Tessendorf webpage
Contact: jtess.nosp@m.en@c.nosp@m.lemso.nosp@m.n.ed.nosp@m.u
Office: McAdams 302
Office Hours: Scheduled: TTh 10am-noon both in-person and on zoom (link on CANVAS)
Unscheduled: whenever I am in my office. Drop by. Or make an appointment.
TA Office Hours:
TA Email:
Course Webpage:
Textbook: None. There are multiple online documents supplementing the lectures.
Video Recording: There is no plan to systematically record the lectures, but any recordings will be housed in CANVAS.
Pre-recorded Video: There may be some pre-recorded videos that are linked throughout these pages and/or on CANVAS.
Official Syllabus: pdf