CPSC 3300 - Spring 2016 Project 1 - Geometric Mean Write a 3- to 5-page paper that briefly describes and explores the controversy over using the Geometric Mean to summarize the performance results of a suite of benchmark programs. Due date: Wednesday, January 27 Submission: turn in printed copy of paper (one per team) Grading Weights: 20% introduction - should include the definition of the geometric mean (GM) and a summary of the controversy (5% and 15%) 30% part 1 - at least four distinct arguments in favor of the GM (7.5% each) 15% part 2 - at least two distinct arguments against the GM (7.5% each) 15% part 3 - other than SPEC, at least two major, modern benchmark suites that use the GM and how it is used (7.5% each) 7.5% part 4 - at least one major, modern benchmark suite that uses something other than the GM to summarize performance and what is used instead 12.5% bibliographic references and citation style - see pp. 32-37 of www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/Publications/docs/2015CSStyleGuide.pdf This is to be an individual or team-of-two assignment. The audience should be your classmates.