IBM ACS Reunion - February 18, 2010, in California

The Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, hosted a set of talks about ACS as part of the Museum's Soundbytes noontime program.

outside of Computer History Museum

Fran Allen, Lynn Conway, Bill Mooney, Brian Randell, Russ Robelen, and John Zasio described their experiences with Project Y and ACS. The event was video-taped and posted to You Tube, The IBM ACS System: A Pioneering Supercomputer Effort (1:33 in length).

Russ Robelen
ACS TalksTimeline
John Hollar - Introduction00:00:00
Mark Smotherman - Introduction00:07:08
Speaker Introductions
  Fran Allen00:09:20
  Lynn Conway00:10:41
  Brian Randell00:12:00
  Russ Robelen00:13:09
  John Zasio00:14:36
  Billy Joe Mooney00:15:42
  Fran Allen00:16:50
  Lynn Conway00:33:00
  Brian Randell00:46:58
  Russ Robelen01:00:30
  John Zasio01:23:20
  Billy Joe Mooney01:30:06
John Hollar - wrap up01:33:07

There were about 200 in attendance.

audience at Computer History Museum

L-to-R: Ray Williams, Marjorie Slaughter McCollum, Gene Amdahl, Susan Warren Musgrave

Ray Williams, Marjorie McCollum, Gene Amdahl, and Susan Musgrave

L-to-R: Susan Warren Musgrave and Dick Tobias

Susan and Dick Tobias

L-to-R: Gene Amdahl, Marjorie Slaughter McCollum, Dennis Terry

Gene, Marjorie, and Dennis

L-to-R: Ray Williams, Gene Amdahl, Susan Warren Musgrave, Dick Tobias

Ray Williams

L-to-R: Gene Amdahl, Billy Joe Mooney, Don Rozenberg

Gene, Billy Joe, and Don

Robert Garner arranged a tour for us of the 1401 restoration project at CHM.

L-to-R: Dick Tobias, IBM 1401 restoration volunteer (Bill Worthington?), Russ Robelen, Dennis Terry, Fred Buelow

1401 tour

We also had a reception for ACS project members and friends that evening at Michael's at Shoreline Restaurant in Mountain View.

Peter Capek talking with Fran Allen and Gladys Garabedian

Peter, Fran, and Gladys

L-to-R: Phil Dauber, Richard Wells, John Zasio

Gene, Billy Joe, and Don

Standing L-to-R: Russ Robelen and Don Rozenberg
Seated L-to-R: Brian Randell, Lynn Conway, Mark Schmalz, Ralph Love, Jim Horning

photo of reception attendees

Group photo (click on photo for higher-resolution version)

L-to-R: (will need help in identifying everyone)
(1) Gladys Garabedian, (2) Steve Goldstein, (3) Alan Pease, (4) Fran Allen,
(5) Brian Randell, (6) Bob Litwiller, (7) Don Rozenberg, (8) _,
(9) Lynn Conway, (10) Rodney Bittencurt, (11) Peter Giamalis, (12) Russ Robelen,
(13) Dick Wilkinson (check), (14) Bob Lloyd, (15) Fred Buelow, (16) Richard Wells,
(17) Andrew Wang (check), (18) Ralph Love, (19) Paul Hug, (20) Phil Dauber,
(21) John Zasio, (22) Mark Smotherman, (23) Dick Tobias, (24) Frank Snow

group photo at reception

Brian Randell's reunion photo album

Collected names and biographies of ACS project members.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Lynn Conway, Marjorie McCollum, Brian Randell, and Dick Tobias for sharing their photos of the reunion, and to Russ Robelen for the talks timeline.